Eternal Peace
A leaping fish
And a placid sea
Symbolised creation
And Eternity.
The first in a “The Reflections” collection of three artworks by Ashima Kumar to be released is Eternal Peace. These paintings represent three attributes of the human mind, the fish representing a leap towards spirituality. Collectively they symbolise man’s desire to reach his/her eternal goal – the merger with the Supreme Being
£ 90.00 – £ 550.00
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Winter Buddha – Absorbing Energy
£ 90.00 – £ 550.00 BUYInspired by the story of Buddha finding enlightenment whilst meditating underneath the Bodhi tree without moving for seven weeks.
This piece, one of a collection of 4 representing the four seasons of Buddha, pushes the boundaries of natures’ potential further. At night we see that the plants and weeping willow provide natural light and a source of energy for Buddha. This piece conveys serenity and spirituality, and being at one with your surroundings. With a similar colour scheme throughout, the Buddha and the tree become ‘one’ during his quest for inner peace.
Artist: Karun Soni, Original Media: Oil on canvas
Spirit Element: Earth
£ 95.00 – £ 990.00 BUYEarth belongs to a series of 5 paintings in art-ma’s collection, each relating to one of the classical elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Space. This collection created by Ovidiu Kloska, is a compilation of abstract paintings, featuring heavy textures in rich colours, resulting in contemporary artwork that is both fascinating and dramatic.
The Earth element resembles practical and physically active energy, and is the most stable and persistent of all five elements. It represents groundedness, stability, potential and stillness. It reminds us to let the strength of the Earth ground us in our practice and as we move through life. Although the elements are significant across many cultures, in the Upanishad, an ancient scripture from Hinduism, it refers to the elements being used for spiritual growth.
“The Earth lives within us, not outside of us. The trees are our lungs, the rivers our bloodstream. We are all interconnected, and what you do to the Earth, ultimately you are doing to yourself.”
In this painting the big brush strokes of Acrylic in shades of brown, green and orange earthy tones sweep across the canvas, creating a beautiful piece of artwork in Kloska’s series of the five elements.
Artist: Ovidiu Kloska, Original Media: Acrylic on Canvas
Sleeping Angel
£ 95.00 – £ 400.00 BUYThis artwork by Italian artist Pietro Di Giovannantonio symbolises the belief common to different faiths, that we are never alone, there is always a guardian angel beside us – watching over us and protecting us.
Central to the painting is a sleeping angel, who is dressed in heavenly white and looks serene and calm. A golden ring of divine light surrounds the angel, who appears to be floating through the sky, as if in a dream.
This piece symbolises this intimate bond that our guardian angels share with us as they lead us to the path of righteousness. This guardian angel has descended onto earth from heaven above to protect its believer from evil and generate good and fruitful thoughts.
Artist: Pietro Di Giovannantonio