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Ramayana – A double loss
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYRam and Lakshman are seen in this artwork as they come across a dying Jatayu, King of the Vultures, after Raavan has cut off his wings, on their search for Sita. Before dying Jatayu tells them who has captured Sita and their direction of travel to the south.
Blood can be seen coming from Jatayu as Ram hold him in his last moments. The artist depicts this emotional scene with Ram kneeling next to him performing his final rites.
Ramayana – A Friendship is rising
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYRam and Lakshman go to Rishyamuk mountain to meet the King of the Vanaras – Sugriva (son of the Sun God Surya), who was in exile. Ram promises Sugriva that he will kill his brother Vali who had ostracized him from his Kingdom and taken his wife, and reinstate him as the King of the Vanaras. Sugriva in turn promises to help Ram to find Sita.
The artist shows Ram and Lakshman talking to Sugriva and Hanuman on the mountain.
Ramayana – A Grand Duel
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis stunning artwork is set during the Battle of Lanka. Lakshman is engaged in a duel with Indrajit, son of Ravan in his flying chariot.
Lakshman is surrounded my hundreds of arrows as the arrows of Indrajit refused to harm him. He was protected against them.
Eventually Lakshman defeats Indrajit by beheading him with the celestial weapon, Anjalikastra.
Ramayana – A secret story
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis artwork shows Hanuman once he has returned back to Ram, re-telling Sita’s intimate story as seen in the top part of the artwork.
The story was about Ram having to protect Sita from the son of Indra who had transformed into a crow to attack her.
Ramayana – A strategic provocation
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis is a beautiful depiction of the inside of the palace of Lanka and Ravan’s throne. The architecture and ornateness stands out in this piece.
Here Hanuman has been captured and despite Ravan sitting higher than him on his throne, Hanuman has used his special powers to make his tail longer so he can sit higher than him.
Ramayana – Bharat’s responsibility
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis artwork shows Ram’s brother Bharat asks for his sandals as a symbol of his presence on the throne as a sign of respect to his right, which he then places on the royal seat of Ayodhya and he agrees to become the caretaker of the kingdom until Ram returns.
The artist shows the three Queen mothers in the background watching him take Ram’s sandals gracefully from the forest before returning back to Ayodhya.
Ramayana – Enter the Surasa
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis artwork shows Surasa, the demon mother of snakes opening her mouth very wide to swallow Hanuman as he flies to Lanka to find Sita, but he became bigger, so she opened her mouth even wider and Hanuman entered her mouth, but before she could eat him, he became very small and slipped out.
The artist shows the size and scale of the Surasa in this painting not only through her form but also through the waves she creates in the water as she moves.
Ramayana – Garuda and the Nagapash
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis beautiful artwork shows the amazing Garuda, a divine eagle-like sun bird with celestial golden wings. Garuda is a very powerful creature in the epics, whose wings can stop the spinning of heaven, earth and hell. He is also Lord Vishnu’s choice of vehicle.
Here you can see Garuda arriving to save Lord Ram when Indrajit, Ravan’s son had fired the the ‘nagapash’ arrow at him, which transformed into serpents and bound him and Lakshman. As soon as Garuda arrived all the snake arrows instantly flee freeing them.
Ramayana – Indrajit’s Illusion
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis artwork set during the Battle of Lanka, shows Indrajit, Ravan’s son, who is versed in magic creating an illusion of Sita and killing her in front of Hanuman. He tries to stop him but is unsuccessful and then reports back to Ram that Sita has been killed. Fortunately, Vibishana, who knew of Indrajit’s powers enlightened him that the whole thing was an illusion.
The artist has created a very dramatic piece of work, showing the battle scene below, Hanuman in the air trying to stop Indrajit and Indrajit killing Sita in a very dark and tragic time.
Ramayana – Jatayu’s sacrifice
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis beautiful artwork shows Jatayu, the King of the Vultures swooping through the sky trying to stop Raavan flying off in his vimana with Sita. Raavan aiming his bow and arrow directly at him cuts off Jatayu’s wings leading to his eventual death as he falls from the skies.
The artist shows how rich Lanka must be with his depiction of Ravan’s beautifully decorated and styled Vimana set high in the sky amongst the clouds.
Ramayana – Jeevan Sanjeevani
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis is a beautiful depiction of Hanuman carrying the mountain of Dronagiri back to Lanka.
The choice of colours used by the artist in this piece blend perfectly together.
He succeeds in showing Hanuman’s strength and loyalty to Ram when asked to go and find the magic herb Sanjeevani in the Himalayan mountains to save Lakshman from death on the battlefield. Not knowing which herb, it was he picked up the entire mountain and brought it back with him.
Ramayana – Love in Exile
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYRama and Sita sharing a tender moment, in exile, in the Forest. Rama and Sita are looked upon as the perfect couple, their love story is told and retold. The love between Rama and Sita is an important driving force in their story and Rama’s love for Sita inspires him to make sacrifices, perform heroic deeds but also to conquer evil. They are soul mates and they portray the passion of couple love as a positive spiritual force.
The artist shows the natural beauty of the forest, with flowers and trees all in full bloom and the beautiful peacock in the background with his feathers all fanned out as part of a courtship ritual.
Ramayana – Manthara’s Manipulation
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis painting shows Queen Kaikeyi begging King Dashrath to honour the two wishes that he had promised her. Influenced by her evil maid Manthara, pictured as a black shadow in the background, she asked that he make her son Bharat King of Ayodhya and that he send Ram into exile for 14 years.
The artist depicts the grandeur of the marble pillars in the palace and the beautiful architecture during this time. He shows King Dashrath looking quite helpless as Queen Kaikeyi is on her hands and knees begging him to meet her demands.
Ramayana – Panchmukhi Hanuman
This exclusively commissioned artwork for art-ma by Paolo Libralesso completes The Ramayana Collection.
The Panchmukhi Hanuman is the form of Hanuman when he assumed a five faced form in order to defeat King Ahiravana, the King of Patala Loka who had kidnapped Rama and Lakshman. King Ahiravana’s life force was enshrined in five flames pointing in different directions, the only way to defeat the king was to extinguish these flames at the same time. So Hanuman altered his form to add another five heads made up of Lord Narasimha, Lord Garuda, Lord Varaha and Lord Hayagriva. Hanuman used all five faces to blow out the flames at the same time killing Ahiravana.
Ramayana – Ram Setu
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThe building of Ram Setu, also known as Rama’s bridge was the bridge that was built by the army of Vanaras for Ram to crossover to Lanka to save Sita from Ravan. Each of the stones used had Ram’s name on them and were thus able to float on water.
In this artwork you can see all the vanaras working together alongside elephants to build the bridge and Hanuman in the sky flying with more stones.
Ramayana – Rama’s ring
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis artwork shows the moment when Ram gives Hanuman, the son of the god of wind – Vayu, his gold ring. Hanuman is seen taking the ring from Ram with his golden gada on the floor.
Ram shows faith in Hanuman and asks him to show this ring to Sita when he finds her.
Ramayana – Shiva Dhanush
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis absolute stunning work of art depicts the moment when Ram attends the Swayamvara in the Kingdom of Mithila, where King Janak was choosing a suitor for his daughter Princess Sita.
Here you can see Prince Ram lifting the bow that was extremely powerful and heavy and made by Lord Vishwakarma and gifted to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva had then gifted this famous bow called the Pinaka to Devarata, a devotee and ancestor of King Janaka. The condition was that only the man who could lift the bow would be suitable to marry Princess Sita, as he lifts the bow and tries to string it, it breaks in two.
The artist captures the moment when the divine bow is breaking in two and radiates a divine light showing how powerful it is.
Ramayana – Shurpanaka’s Lust
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis artwork shows Ram in the forest protecting Sita from the demoness Shurpanakha, she was the sister of Ravan, the King of Lanka and fell in love with Ram and wanted to marry him. When Ram rejected her she tried to attack Sita and Lakshman cut off her nose.
The artist depicts this scene perfectly in the forest with Ram defending Sita, Lakshman with his sword in the air about to cut her nose and Sita looking frightened in the background.
Ramayana – The Ask of a Lifetime
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis painting depicts the moment when Rishi Vishvamitra, a very well respected sage in the Kingdom of Ayodhya comes to King Dashrath to ask him to let his sons – Ram and Lakshman go the forest to stop the demons that are disrupting their prayers.
Here you can see the artist showcasing the grandeur of the grounds of the palace gardens and the beautiful peacocks which reside there.
Ramayana – The Awakening of a Giant
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis is a beautiful depiction of Kumbhakarna by artist Paolo Libralesso. Kumbhakarna was the younger brother of Ravan and a giant. He was notorious for sleeping 6 months at a time and waking up only to eat.
The artist demonstrates his sheer size by placing elephants on his head and also the depth of his sleep as nothing could wake him once he was in deep slumber.
Ramayana – The Awakening within
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYHanuman can be seen here flying south to Lanka. The son of the god of wind, Vayu he is depicted by the artist here with wind around him as he flies crossing the ocean to Lanka.
Hanuman actually had his powers taken away from him as a child by an angry sage, so it was Jambavana, the divine king of bears who lifted his curse and gave him his powers back so he could fly to Lanka.
Ramayana – The Battle Begins
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis artwork depicts the Battle at Lanka, between the armies of Ram and Ravan, the King of Lanka. It took place between Ram’s army of varanas and Ravan’s army of demons.
It was a very bloody battle and Ram and Ravan fought a fierce battle with bows and arrows for nearly seven days. Ram and his army killed several of Ravan’s brothers.
Ramayana – The Coronation
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThe final artwork in this Ramayana Collection by Paolo Libralesso, shows Ram and Sita back in Ayodhya with his brother Lakshman and Hanuman sitting on his throne as King of Ayodhya.
This beautiful artwork in the last of this collection marks the joyous occasion of Diwali and the start of the subsequent reign named Ram Rajya, also known as the golden age.
Ramayana – The Emancipator
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThe artist’s first depiction in Lanka of Sita in a beautiful garden surrounded by greenery and foliage with a beautiful tree in the centre of this artwork.
Hanuman startles Sita as he calls out to her unexpectedly showing her Ram’s ring and telling her he had sent him to find her.
Ramayana – The Ethical Stance
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis beautiful piece of artwork shows the Kingdom of the Lanka and beautiful blue and gold palace in the background. Here you can see Vibishana, the younger brother of Ravan, the King of Lanka trying desperately to convince him to send Sita back to Ram, but Ravan was not willing to listen to Vibishana to he left Lanka to go and fight alongside Ram.
The artist has created a wonderful depicition of Ravan, the ten headed demon king with all of his arms carrying different weapons.
Ramayana – The Exile
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis artwork shows Ram, Sita and Lakshman departing the Kingdom of Ayodhya in their beautiful chariot led by decorated horses at the palace gates for their 14 year exile.
The artist shows the people of Ayodhya that have gathered there to see him off. Even during this time Ram has his right hand raised offering blessings to all those around him.
Ramayana – The Firestarter
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThe Demons set fire to his Hanuman’s tail whilst he was prisoner in Lanka, but Hanuman shrank back to the size of a mouse and managed to escape but in the process set Ravan’s throne alight and left a trail of flames throughout Lanka and flew back to Ram.
The artwork shows the entire kingdom of Lanka in flames including Hanuman’s tail, the artist’s use of orange and red is so vibrant in this piece.
Ramayana – The Gift of Life
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis painting depicts the moment when King Dashrath of Ayodhya, who wanted children, performed a sacred prayer called a yagna to ask Lord Brahma, the Creator God. Lord Agni came out of the yagna and handed Dashrath a pot of kheer (rice pudding) advising him to distribute it among his three Queens – Queen Kaushalya, Queen Kaikeyi and Queen Sumitra.
The artist captures the beauty of the flames and the divineness of Lord Agni by his sheer size with the beautiful kingdom of Ayodhya as the backdrop.
Ramayana – The journey home
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis beautiful artwork shows Ram and Sita returning back to Ayodhya in Ravan’s magical flying aircraft known as the Pushpaka Vimana. The artist has depicted this aircraft as a beautifully designed palace in the clouds flying over the Ayodhya.
This beautiful vimana was actually originally made for Lord Brahma by Vishwakarma, who then gifted it to Kubera, the God of Wealth, but was then stolen along with Lanka by Ravan.
Ramayana – The liberation of Ravan
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis final battle scene at Lanka created by Italian artist Paolo Libralesso, shows the moment when Ram finally shoots and kills Ravan.
Ram had tried numerous attempts to kill Ravan by cutting off his heads but they kept growing back, then Vibishana, Ravan’s brother told Ram to shoot as his naval killing him instantly.
Ramayana – The Trap
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis stunning artwork portrays the story of Ram killing the golden deer deep in the forest.
Ravan, King of Lanka, angered by Lakshman cutting off his sister’s nose, asked the demon Maricha who could take any form of animal to become a golden deer to tempt Sita. Sita seeing this deer asked Ram to catch it for her. Ram after chasing the deer soon realised that it was a demon and so shot him with a golden arrow killing him.
The artist shows Ravan in the left-hand corner with his multiple heads and arms watching Sita so that he can choose the right moment to present himself disguised as a sage and kidnap her.
Ramayana – The Vanaras search for Sita
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis detailed piece of art shows the Vanaras going in four different directions to search for Sita – North, East, South and West. Hanuman can be seen in the South meeting with Sampati, Jatayu’s brother. Sampati was instrumental in telling Hanuman that Sita had been taken south to Lanka and directions on how to find her.
The artist’s depiction of the journey of Vanaras in their quest to find Sita is beautifully portrayed in this stunning artwork.
Ramayana – The Wedding
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis very colourful artwork depicting the wedding of Prince Ram to Princess Sita is a beautiful depiction by the artist of the joyous occasion of their marriage.
He shows all the traditions of a royal Hindu marriage with the couple on a beautifully decorated elephant, the line of royal elephants in the background, the people playing their instruments and dancing and the fireworks in the sky.
Ramayana – Two Good Two Bad
£ 75.00 – £ 550.00BUYThis painting shows the site of the Yagna in the forest where the sages were trying to conduct their prayers. Ram and Lakshman told the sages to begin their rituals whilst they stood guard. As soon as they began the demons Subahu and Maricha appear and you can see Ram and Lakshman here battling with them.
The artist uses a wonderful contrast of colour with the green of the forest against the red raging clouds created by the demons and depicts their battle in a wonderful setting.