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Virtual Gallery
The Mahabharata virtual art exhibition is currently closed, however for any private, corporate or educational viewing please contact us
Introductory Videos

Virat Roop One more day to go! We have saved the best for last! Lord Krishna revealed His original identity as the Supreme God Vishnu, only twice in the Mahabharata.
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Curious to know how we created the entire virtual gallery? Watch our special creation video for “The Mahabharata Collection” art exhibition to get an insight into the production behind the
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Behind the celestial reveal, lies an ocean of calm. Immerse yourself in the Virtual Gallery in ways you never dreamt possible. Have you found the Meditation Room, just behind the
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Krishna entering Dwarka
Lord Krishna returning to the kingdom of Dwarka showcases the essence of homecoming and the enthusiasm and joy that surrounds it. Welcome that feeling into your home through the artwork
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Quote: Marie-Hélène Estienne
In “Battlefield”, the internationally renowned team of Peter Brook, Marie-Hélène Estienne and Jean-Claude Carrière revisit the great Indian epic “The Mahabharata”, thirty years after Brook’s legendary production took world theatre by storm.
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Lord Krishna’s “Virat Roop” as the Supreme God Vishnu radiates an aura of divinity. Bring Him into your home or work space and feel that divineness and spirituality resonate around
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NEWSFLASH: We’re thrilled to let you know that due to popular demand “The Mahabharata Collection” Virtual Gallery is being extended. The virtual art exhibition will be extended for a week
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We’ve created a special time-lapse of the making of “Shoot Him Now – Arjuna” artwork by Giampaolo Tomassetti, just for you. You can buy this artwork and the others in
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Experience the most honest portrayal of the longest Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, in a first ever virtual art exhibition. Travel back in time and dive into the journey of life
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Veda Vyasa, in the Mahabharata, said that setting your heart upon your work and being intuitive enough to be able to follow it through will give you greater benefit, rather
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Bring the essence of the epic into your home, ‘The Pandavas enter Hastinapura’ artwork shows them entering the city to claim their throne which captured the drama and essence of
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Today on International Charity Day, we would like to highlight two of our charity partners that are dedicated to improving the lives of those less fortunate around the world. One
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Hastinapur – The crux of the conflict Nestled along the Ganges river in present day Uttar Pradesh, India, is the sacred city of Hastinapur. The capital of the Kuru Kingdom,
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In the Mahabharata, just before the Kurukshetra war, Lord Krishna manifested his “Virat Roop”, where he revealed Himself as the Supreme God Vishnu and showed all his avatars to Arjuna.
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Feel the legends of the Mahabharata come to life in the first virtual art exhibition of the Hindu epic. Immerse yourself in a virtual journey back in time through “The
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Quote: Devdutt Pattanaik
Devdutt Pattanaik, Indian mythologist, speaker, illustrator and author, in his book “Jaya – An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata” talks about the core understanding of the Mahabharata. He believes that
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Lord Krishna’s “Vishva Rupa” or the “Universal Form” is where he reveals his true form as Lord Vishnu. Bringing Him into your home will impart peace and serenity throughout your
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Video: Vishva Rupa
Lord Krishna was the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu and in the Mahabharata, he revealed his true form as Vishnu only twice. It’s believed that during the reveal, Krishna expanded
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‘The Mahabharata is a masterclass in human nature’
What makes The Mahabharata Collection so unique is that it reflects a seamless amalgamation of two distinct art forms. Italian artist Giampaolo Tomassetti (Jnananjana Dasa) chose the technical yet vivid
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Eye Spy Hanuman’s Eye
The “Vishva Rupa” artwork contains detail of Lord Krishna revealing his Divine nature, in the Universal Form, as Vishnu, the Supreme God. See if you can find Hanuman’s eye in
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Experience the intricate details of the Mahabharata, presented in a never-seen-before Virtual Art gallery. Travel back in time and immersive yourself into the virtual environment of the “The Mahabharata Collection”,
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Just before the Kurukshetra war, Lord Krishna told Arjuna that it would be immature of him to treat knowledge and action differently, because the wise know that there is no
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The story of Abhimanyu is the story of each and every human being that has and will walk this earth. Even with his great lineage, a young Abhimanyu was left
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TIMELAPSE: Pandavas Enter Hastinapura
We are excited to share with you the timelapse of the making of “The Pandavas enter Hastinapura”. You can buy this artwork and others in the Mahabharata Collection as a
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More than Meets The Eye
“There is more to see than what meets the eye.” The artworks from our “Mahabharata Collection” all have more to see, the more you look. To see this and the
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Artwork: Karna and Kunti
Welcome this beautiful artwork into your home that evokes emotion in any viewer – Karna and Kunti. A mother’s love for the child she abandoned. #feelitinyoursoul ‘The Mahabharata Collection’ of
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Video: Karna and Kunti
In the Mahabharata, the story between Karna and Kunti was one of the most moving. Krishna asks Kunti to meets Karna and reveal the truth about her love for him
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Visit “The Mahabharata Collection” – a series of 25 amazing artworks about the epic, in a unique virtual gallery experience. You can opt to take the automated fly-through tour or
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If you have been following our feed and stories recently you will have seen all of the hints we have been dropping about what is about to come!! Only one
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Krishna – The heart and soul of The Mahabharata
Friend, philosopher, guide – these three words explain the role that Lord Krishna plays in the Mahabharata. Krishna, who is an avatar of Vishnu, is the God of compassion and
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Video: Parthasarathi
The majestic chariot enters the battlefield of Kurukshetra, where the armies are lined up, ready to clash. This event represents the very heart of the Mahabharata, when Krishna reveals to
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In the Mahabharata, many of the characters were a reincarnation of a God. Lord Vishnu decided to take birth as Lord Krishna and be a part of the action; following
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We learn crucial life lessons from the Mahabharata, several of which are from Lord Krishna. Before the start of the Kurukshetra war, Arjuna was in two minds about killing his
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Hanuman – An Impactful Cameo
While the main story of the Mahabharata is fairly simple to follow, there are several other shorter stories that have been woven into the main narrative. An example of this
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Quote: Duryodhana
According to Duryodhana, the prime antagonist in the Mahabharata, the people who remain discontent with their lives are the ones that prosper the most. He believed that as a warrior,
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Video: Oh Brother! Oh Bhima! Oh Hanuman!
There a couple of moments in the Mahabharata, when it entwines with the Ramayana, another great Hindu epic. An old and tired Hanuman, the strongest Vanara in the Ramayana, had
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The deadliest weapons in the Mahabharata
If you read the Mahabharata closely, you’ll find that the five Pandava brothers did not win the war because of their physical strength – they were greatly outnumbered as their
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Bhishma, born as Devavrata, was a noble character, who vowed celibacy throughout his life. He was devoted to serving his father and thus received a boon that gave him the
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What if you had an opportunity to watch the Mahabharata in virtual reality? Here’s a sneak peek into the first ever VR footage of ‘The Mahabharata Collection’ created by italian
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Lesson: Teachers
Once, Guru Dronacharya overheard Duryodhana accusing him of favouring Arjuna and ignoring the rest. To prove him wrong, Dronacharya placed a wooden bird on a branch and decided to put
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Quote: Lord Krishna, Bhagavad Gita
In the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna shared the truth of his existence with Arjuna, who became his closest confidante through the course of the epic. He told him that he was
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The Weapons of the Gods!! Test your knowledge and that of your friends and family, see if you can identify the names of these weapons that were used in the
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Indraprastha – Paradise Regained
Before Indraprastha became the capital of the Pandavas’ kingdom, it was the ancient capital of the Kuru clan, of which the Pandavas and Kauravas are a part. Much like Dwarka,
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Dronacharya and Parshurama – Gurus of Greatness
The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see. The Mahabharata includes two characters – Dronacharya and Parshurama – who embody
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There is always more than meets the eye in the artworks we showcase at Art-ma. In our “Ganesha – Cosmic Dance” artwork, are you able to tell us the reason
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Lesson: Meditation
Meditation helps us in connecting with a higher consciousness. In the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna teaches Arjuna the profound knowledge for tapping into the spiritual wisdom: meditation. Through the practice of
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Quote: Bhagavad Gita
Doubts in our mind create misunderstanding, fill our mind with conflicting thoughts and create indecisiveness. This quote from the Bhagavad Gita is when Lord Krishna is advising Arjuna, on the
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Dwarka – A city of dreams
Cities are a reflection of the ones who built them. The prosperous city of Dwarka, which was capital of Lord Krishna’s kingdom, was a gateway to heaven — a physical
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What do you have to explore to arrive at a name that sparks intrigue in the minds of spiritual art followers? How does a name portray the soulful feature of
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Sanjaya – The symbol of divine insight
The character of Sanjaya in the Mahabharata symbolizes the ability that we all possess within us to self-analyze without any prejudice or judgement. He teaches us that utilizing this gift
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Kunti was born as Pritha, to Shurasena, the Yadav ruler of Mathura. Shurasena was the cousin of Bhojpurnagar’s king, Kuntibhoj, who was childless. Upon hearing Kuntibhoj’s fate, Shurasena promised to
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The Mahabharata may revolve around the war of duty but it also teaches us the negative effects of a revengeful mindset. In this epic, the Kauravas lost everything to their
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Video: Shishupala – At Krishna’s mercy
How many follies is a person allowed to commit before being punished? The story of Shishupala in The Mahabharata is a moral discourse on the concept of mercy. Shishupala was
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In the Mahabharata, Lord Vidura referred to two ways of wasting money – first by giving it to the unworthy, and second by NOT giving it to the worthy. Amish
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QUIZ: ARE YOU Yudhishthira or Duryodhana?
Two central characters of the Mahabharata – Yudhishthira and Duryodhana. One was the protagonist, the other an admired antagonist. Who are you more like? Take our quiz and tell us
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As with anything Art-ma, there is always more than meets than eye. In the ‘Shiva and the Ganges’ artwork, by italian artist Giampaolo Tomassetti, there are two hidden characters. Can
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Video: Krishna Entering Dwarka
During his travels throughout Bharatavarsha, Lord Krishna returned to his kingdom of Dwarka. Upon the sound of the conch shell signifying his return, his relatives, friends and devotees from all
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The Mahabharata is Eternal
Artist Patrizio Landolfi or Pandu Putra, who curated The Mahabharata Collection, has travelled miles from his home in Salerno, Italy, in search of the truth. He finally found it in
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Lesson: Knowledge
Arjuna’s son, Abhimanyu, proved that half knowledge can have an adverse impact. He had learnt, while in Subhadra’s womb, how to enter the ‘Chakravyuh’ (a wheel formation used in wars
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One of the most intriguing and interesting parts of the Mahabharata is when Arjuna was transformed into a dance teacher and eunuch, ‘Brihannala’, during the final year of Pandava’s 13-year
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Video: Bhima – A Colossal Powerhouse
Bhima, as the mighty young warrior of the Mahabharata, was blessed with the strength of 10,000 elephants. There are two traits the second-eldest Pandava is known for – his massive
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Today is Guru Purnima, also known as Vyasa Purnima, which marks the birthday of Veda Vyasa, the legendary author of the Mahabharata. It is a day that is dedicated to
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Bhishma, one of the pivotal characters in the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, was the eighth son of King Shantanu and Goddess Ganga. He was originally named ‘Devavrata’. When he became
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Info: Art-ma Red Dot
Have you ever wondered why there is a red dot in the art-ma logo? Why we zoom into the red dot at the beginning of our videos and out at
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Lesson: Maya
The Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita teach us to detach ourselves from the so-called illusion of subjectivity or ‘Maya’, as it is referred to in the epic. It guides us
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Video: Karna – The Tragic Anti-Hero
If Arjuna was the aspirational hero, Karna was his antithesis – a heroic character whose flaws resulted in his ultimate downfall. Tragedy followed Karna from an early age and his
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In the Mahabharata, Kunti was unaware of Karna’s real identity as her son, as was Karna about Kunti being his mother. It was Sri Krishna, who informed both of them
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Draupadi – The Fiery Heroine
The Mahabharata is an amalgamation of some of Indian literature’s greatest characters. But what truly sets it apart from the rest is its progressive depiction of women. A prime example
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Two talented archers, two striking individuals, two half-brothers. Who are you more like? Karna or Arjuna? Take our quiz and find out!!
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Lesson: Learning
The Hindu epic, the Mahabharata, teaches us the quintessential lesson that has led to the rapid evolution of humankind. Learning is a never-ending process and that is one aspect that
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Video: Arjuna – The Relatable Hero
Arjuna, the celebrated hero of the Mahabharata has remained popular through the ages because he reflects an intrinsic aspect of human nature – that eternal struggle between who we really
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During the Kurukshetra war, when a confused Arjuna turned to his charioteer, Lord Krishna for advice, Krishna stated, in the form of the Bhagavad Gita, some rational philosophical concepts which
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What unifies the sun, the moon, and our planet Earth? What gives you a perspective of the cosmos while still keeping you in the present? How does the heart chakra
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The Mahabharata, as we know it today, is a compilation of several works by different authors over a very long period of time. The longest portion, named Jaya (Victory), was
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Lesson: Renounce the Ego
Taken from the battlefield of Kurukshetra, this lesson which comes from the Bhagavad Gita, is probably one of the most important lessons in the Mahabharata. When we truly surrender our
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Video: For Bhishma, it’s duty above all
The character of Bhishma in the Mahabharata is the embodiment of the word dharma (duty). His sense of duty and loyalty never wavered. While this made him a revered character
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Quote: Bhisma to Karna
Bhisma’s conversation with Karna focused on virtue – being loyal and righteous. He convinced Karna that this was more important than his relationship with his brothers. What the Mahabharata is
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Duryodhana – The definition of a worthy antagonist
Every epic tale must have a mighty antagonist. In the Mahabharata, Duryodhana fits this role perfectly. His toughness as an opponent is reflected in his name, which in Sanskrit means ‘difficult
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Evaluate the people in your life and choose your friends wisely. The Mahabharata teaches us that good people make good things happen and bad company corrupts good character, thus it
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Video: The Pandavas were Cheated
There are unforgettable events that occur impacting the course of history. The Dice Game in the Mahabharata was one such, it had a crucial implications in deciding the fate of
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The Kauravas
The antagonists in the Mahabharata – the Kauravas, fought an eighteen-day war with their cousins – the Pandavas. Their loss in the war teaches us a valuable lesson – it’s
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Vidura was considered intelligent and wise. He is considered the embodiment of the inner consciousness of the Mahabharata. Through this quote he implies that being clever doesn’t necessarily lead to
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The Pandavas
The Pandavas, the family of protagonists of the epic poem Mahabharata, with learned lessons through their journey. They taught us to keep a stable head no matter what and to
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Lesson: Choices
The choices we make in life dictate the path we lead. The Mahabharata teaches us to think about decisions and their consequences.
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Video: Kunti – A matriarch like no other
One of the most nuanced and inspiring characters in the Mahabharata would certainly be that of Kunti. Her story arc has several layers that all add up in the
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Mahabharata teaches us lessons for life
Family, war, tragedy, morality and heroism – the epic poem of Mahabharata covers all aspects of the human condition. It is a tale that Indians have grown up reading and
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Quote: Sharad Devarajan
Some epics tell a story of the world, the Mahabharata is one such. It doesn’t confine itself to one culture, it tells the story of humanity.
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From Italy to India – Giampaolo Tomassetti’s artistic journey transcends cultures
Artist Giampaolo Tomassetti may have been born and raised in Italy, but an early curiosity about spirituality led him to form a deep connection with Vedic culture. He found inspiration
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LESSON: Strategy
Lessons from the past can shape the present and the future. Let us take you on a journey.
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